Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thank-you All!

As you have noticed, I have not posted in a long time, and with out telling any of you, I have quit Club Penguin, and what use is there having a Club Penguin website, when I don't play it any more? Thank-you all for visiting and taking the time to comment, I have had a great experience meeting new people, penguins, and great friends. Thank-you to all the mods of this website, and all the guests, thank-you EVERYONE for all of your support! I'm sorry to do this to all of you, but I am now 14, and I'm moving Club Penguin aside. Its just not fun for me any more, I will miss it, and I will miss all of you! CLub Penguin has been the best experience of my life, Thank-you Club Penguin, for giving me the best time ever!

This is Lollieboy, signing out for the last time...


Monday, September 27, 2010

Advertise Your Website Here! UPDATED

*UPDATE* Woah! I'm starting to get a lot of people wanting their websites on this page! If your website is on here, could i ask you to please put my website link somewhere on your blog, it could be on your blog roll, or in a post, thanks!

Hey everyone, i was just thinking, allot of you want me to advertise your websites here, so if you REALLY want your websites advertised, then comment on this post, and i will put you on my blog roll as well.



Weekly Field-Op Week 16

Heres the 16th Field-Op location!

1. Go to the HQ.

2. Click on the Field-Op screen.

3. Click accept Field-Op.

4. Go to the Town.

5. Go into the Night Club.

6. Go Upstairs.

7. Walk over to the potplant.

8. Your Spy Gadget should flash green, click on it.

9. Complete the puzzle!

10. Go buy some cool gear!


New Pin!

Heres how to get the newest pin on Club Penguin!
1. Click on your map.
2. Go to the Mine.
3. Go into the Cave Mine.
4. Click on the pin at the rocks.

Now you have the Sandwich Pin!


Banner Contest Winner!

The votes are in an the winner is DavidHopper2! Here is his banner:

Sorry to Je45rry for not winning, but it was sooo close, just by 1 vote! DavidHopper will receive his prize soon, I'm sorry for the hold up!


Im Back!

Sorry about that, but over here its School Holidays, and i was doing some things for the first few days! But i will be back to posting. I will announce the winner of the contest next!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Penguin Evolution

I was going through a bit of history of my penguin, and I saw what I used to wear a LONG time ago. I did not change what I wore much, so here is the order of what I can remember:
(NOTE: These are the main costumes I wore, there were others, but here are the ones i wore for the longest.)

Here is my first costume when I started playing Club Penguin:
Here is my first Member costume for Club Penguin:
In between here, my membership ran out, so I went back to my first costume.

Here is my second Member costume for Club Penguin:

Here is my third Member costume for Club Penguin:

Here is my fourth and current Member costume for Club Penguin:

So tell me, did they get better? I think they did, but tell me what you think.


Enter Website Wednesday! *WEEK 2*

Welcome to week 2! Heres what you have to do, if you want me to make a post about your website:

1. Put on your blog roll.
2. Comment on this post telling me your website name.
3. Comment on this post telling me your website link.
4. Also include why you want your website advertised.

(Heres what your comment should look like):

That's it! Easy huh? I will choose a random website to advertise on Wednesday the 8th of September. So start commenting!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Banner Contest Now Over!

The Banner Contest is now over. Here are the 2 penguins you can vote for!
(NOTE: The final banner will not have the link through it, its just for copyright)

1. DavidHopper2:

2. Je45rry:

Congrats to you both. There is now a poll to vote for the best!


Didn't Have Time

As you know, i didnt get much time to post about the Fair, stamps, Rockhopper, new items, or the Field-Ops. So i will do an update post shortly. This will not change anything, i am NOT quitting, i was just busy.


Friday, August 27, 2010

New News! Issue #254

Heres some new things coming soon!

September - 3rd: New Penguin Style Catalog

Seprember - 3rd-12th: The Fair comes to Club Penguin

September - 17th: Fairy Fables returns to the Stage

September - 17th: New Better Igloos Catalog

September - 10th: New Pin


New Stage Play

"Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal" has returned to the stage! BUT no cheats!


New Pin

Heres how to get the newest pin on Club Penguin!

1. Click on your map.
2. Click on the Plaza.
3. Go into the Man Hole.
4. Click on the pin on the right window.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Website Wednesday *WEEK 1*

The penguins blog i chose was Je45rry's (Club Penguin Info)
1. Lets start off with the posts: Je45rry has really long, detailed posts that give you the full amount of information, that you possibly need.

2. Blog Layout: I think he has done very well with his blog layout, the bright orange captures the readers attention, which is a very important thing to have. I would suggest making your blog have a little more colour, and try using one main colour, in your case orange, and some things to be sorted into categories, eg. penguin info, banners, pins etc.

3. Pictures: He uses a range of small, to large pictures on his blog. I would suggest making them a little bigger, because a reader always looks for the pictures before the words. So you want to capture the readers attention.

Overall: Je45rry has an AWESOME blog, he has a good variety of pictures, words, and guides. I suggest to all of you to check it out!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekly Field-Op Week 11 + New Gear!

Heres the 11th Field-Op location!
1. Go to the HQ.
2. Click on the Field-Op screen.
3. Click accept Field-Op.
4. Go to the Lighthouse.
5. Go to the bottom left speaker.
6. Your Spy Gadget should flash green, click on it.
7. Complete the puzzle!
8. Go buy some cool gear!
(Sorry for missing out on week 10)
Also check out the new Tactical gear!
Pretty sweet! Comment telling me what you think they should call the new gear? Maybe "Lollieboy Gear"?

6 Days To Enter

There are now 6 more days to enter untill the Banner Contest ends! So if your arty, then read the rules HERE, and start creating! Tell your friends, friends, friends, pets to enter :P


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Enter Website Wednesday! *WEEK 1*

Hey again! I'm making a new thing for my website called Website Wednesday! Heres what you have to do, if you want me to make a post about your website:

1. Put on your blog roll.
2. Comment on this post telling me your website name.
3. Comment on this post telling me your website link.
4. Also include why you want your website advertised.

(Heres what your comment should look like):

That's it! Easy huh? I will choose a random website to advertise on Wednesday the 25th of August. So start commenting!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Igloo Catalog AUG-SEPT

Heres the AUG-SEPT Igloo Catalog cheats!

1. Click on the Modern Art for the Climbing Wall!

2. Click on the Wall Speaker for the Quarter Note!

3. Click on the DJ Table's turn table for the Drum Kit!

4. Click on the Disco Ball for the Guitar Stand!
5. Click on the word "Disco" for the Lanterns!

6. Click on the Eighth Note for the Music Stand!

7. Click on the Cash Register for the Tropical Palm!

8. Click on the top of the Clothes Rack for the HD TV!

9. Click on the Stone Wall Ruins window for the Mermaid Vanity!

10. Click on the 3rd window of the Pirate Ship for the Bamboo Torch!

Now you have all the Igloo Catalog cheats! Remember to enter my Banner Contest!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lewis's Questions!

Heres a blogger that visits my website a lot! His names Lewis, and he has a really cool Blog! On his blog, every week he asks a question and you help him asnwer it! Answer his question via his email: Please go check out his website! Lewis's Questions

That gives me an idea! Every week i will post someones blog! And give a short description on it! i will have the post up soon next week!

Remember to enter the banner contest!


New Pin!

Heres how to get the newest pin on Club Penguin!

1. Click on your map.
2. Click on the Beach.
3. Go into the Lighthouse.
4. Click on the pin next to the music box. Now you have the Carabiner Pin!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

New News! Issue #252

Heres some new stuff coming to Club Penguin!

August 20 - New Better Igloos

August 20 - New Igloo Music

August 20 - New Penguin Mail

August 27 - Squidzoid returns to the stage

August 13 - New Pin

I'll have the new pin up tomorrow!


Help Mimo777!

Anyway sorry for the caps, but you know how much i am of a fan to Mimo, so im helping him out by asking you all to PLEASE CLICK HERE!
OR you can read his post here. PLEASE HELP HIM OUT!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weekly Field-Op Week 9

Heres the 9th Field-Op location!
1. Go to the HQ.
2. Click on the Field-Op screen.
3. Click accept Field-Op.
4. Go to the Stadium.
5. Go to the "SNACKS" Cash Register.
6. Your Spy Gadget should flash green, click on it.
7. Complete the puzzle!
8. Go buy some cool gear!

Remember to enter the banner contest by clicking here!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Banner Contest!

Since I changed the theme of my blog, my banner didn't really suit my blog anymore. So if your good at making banners, then create me a cool banner!

-Preferably a grew background, to suit the background of my current theme.
-Send it to OR Send me a link to the banner
-All banners must be made, and sent to me before the 1st of September.
-It must include a picture of my penguin:REWARDS:
Its a secret!

Everyone will pick their favourite one on a poll, also my vote will add to the poll.




Thursday, August 5, 2010

New News!

Some new stuff coming soon!

August 20 - New Better Igloos

August 20 - Igloo Upgrades

August 20 - New Postcards

August 12 - New Pin

Well it looks like August 20th is the time to be on Club Penguin!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stamp Book "Coming Soon"?

Heres a little secret page i found today! If you go to the Pins page of your stamp book, then click on the next page to the right, there will be a big "?" with lots of penguins on it and around it! Check it out!

(I dont know if anyone already knows this, but still!)



(Sorry I'm late on this post, been busy!)
Anyway as most of you have noticed the new feature called stamps! There pretty awesome don't you think?

Q. How do i earn stamps?
A. You can earn stamps by completing special tasks in games, at parties, and around Club Penguin!

Q. How do i view my stamps?
A. You can view your stamps by clicking on your player card, and there will be a button at the bottom with a picture of a stamp.

Q. How do i know how to earn them?
A. Click on your stamp book, then click on the buckle of your book and there will be 4 different categories of stamps, click on one of the categories and hover your mouse over a stamp to view how to earn it!

Q. Can i customise my stamp book?
A. Yes, you certainly can! Just click on the pencil button on the front page of your book. You can change the colour, highlight, pattern, and icon of your book, you can even put your pins and stamps on the front page!


New Pin

Heres how to get the newest pin on Club Penguin!

1. Click on your map.
2. Click on the Plaza.
3. Go down the manhole.
4. Click on the door to the right. (Boiler Room)
5. Click on the compass on the box.
Now you have the Compass Pin!
(Thanks to figurekat for reminding me!)


Monday, July 26, 2010

New Layout!

Ok for some of you that remember, i had a poll asking if you wanted me to change my theme! And most of you voted yes, so i changed it! Comment and tell the poll if you like my new layout, or if theres any other colours you want changed, just let me know.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Weekly Field-Op Week 6

Heres the 6th Field-Op location! + Its a new puzzle!
1. Go to the HQ.
2. Click on the Field-Op screen.
3. Click accept Field-Op.
4. Go to the Mine, then from there go into the Recycling Room.
5. Go to the computer on the far right side.
6. Your Spy Gadget should flash green, click on it.
7. Complete the puzzle by matching the coloured shapes up!
8. Go buy some cool gear!

Comment and let me know what you think about the new Field-Ops. Are they better than the old missions? Is the new HQ better than the old one? Personally i don't like it, its unfair that they took away the closet with the command room, now my code that i bought from the game is useless!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Members Coolness Below!

Looks like there will be more available for members! Check out what Billybob said!

Hello Penguins!

We saw how much you loved to dance and make music at Music Jam and we heard you loved the new member rooms - thanks for the great feedback!

We thought we'd let you know about some new things that are coming up just for members.

  • Make music at the Lighthouse: Starting today musical instruments will be available in the Lighthouse all the time, because we love to see you guys jam!
  • Design your igloo: We know how creative you are with your igloos and we wanted to give you more. If you liked the T-shirt builder in Penguin Style, you're going to love the new Better Igloos catalog.
  • Spy Phone Updates: EPF Agents will face greater challenges to keep the island safe in August. You'll receive new Field-Op orders with more Spy Phone games to test your skills. Plus you'll be able to obtain brand new elite gear with your medals!
  • Earn Stamps: Stamps will be available for everyone, and we wanted to give members access to exclusive stamps and features. As a result, some of the harder levels in games will be made member only. The games that will be changing are Jet Pack Adventure, Catchin' Waves, Thin Ice, Astro Barrier and Aqua Grabber. Don't worry, everyone will still be able to play the first few levels.

Members play a big role in making Club Penguin better all the time and we wanted a way to say thanks. We're excited to hear what you think!

Until then... waddle on!

Pretty bad for non-members, but i guess this is a good thing if Club Penguin wants more people to buy membership. So if you don't already have Club Penguin membership, ask your parents and GET IT!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stamps Stamps...And More Stamps!

A while ago Billybob released a Sneak Peek of what looked like stamps. Now hes given away another Sneak Peek of what will be happening with the stamps! Here's what he said:

"Hello Penguins!
Some of you have noticed that we've updated last
Saturday's Sneak Peek over the week. Here's the last of those mystery images...

Lots of you sent in some great guesses about what you thought they might be. Corncand said:

These look like stamps or stickers! My guess is we will have an album to put them im every time we earn them and maybe we will have to do tasks to earn them anyway im excited!

Thanks Corncand! I couldn't have said it better myself. Starting July 26, you'll be able to earn and collect stamps!

Some of you commented that you think stamps are in games like Aqua Grabber. There's a lot more to stamps than just playing games... You'll have to work together to earn many of them!!

You'll get your own Stamp Book to put them in, and you can show off your collection to everyone.

We hope you're excited - can't wait to hear what you think.

Until then... Waddle on!"

Hmm, what could the picture of the drill and the ice berg mean? Could we finally tip the ice burg! Comment and tell me what you think!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Even though the post below says "Quit" I am having second thoughts about coming back ever since I posted that. I think the only reason I quit is because i didn't appreciate how many views I got, I thought that my site NEVER got visited, but everyday I get at least 2 people say hello, or hi on the chat, and then I realised how fun it was when I was posting here, SO IM COMING BACK! That's right, starting from now I will post AS MUCH as I can. I will be taking the trackers off because of Club Penguins policy thing, I didn't really like them anyway, the links went to the wrong places and stuff, CYA NEXT POST!

P.S Tell me what you think should be changed about my website, it can be ANYTHING!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hey as some of you may have noticed, I have stopped posting on this blog. I have had a lot of fun times; I wish you all the best. I might turn this website into something else soon, keep your eyes peeled! Oh and don't swear on the chat, honestly who are you trying to impress???


Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Become A Secret Agent

1. Click on the 'M' at the top right hand corner of your screen

2. Click 'Become a Secret Agent'

3. You will be asked some questions

4. The answers are:
Are you ready to become a secret agent?

Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have

Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator
Being mean or rude

What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
Report them

What type of personal information should be reported?
Saying their address

Pick one reason you want to be a secret agent
I want to keep Club Penguin safe

Pick another reason you want to be a secret agent
I want to help other penguins

Once you complete the test, the spyphone will appear in your inventory.

How To Become A Tour Guide

(Your penguin must be older than 45 days old)

1. Click on your map

2. Click on the Ski Village

3. Click on the Tours Stand

4. Answer the questions asked

5. The answers are:

How many sled-racing courses are there?

How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

What day does the newspaper come out?

Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure

What colour of puffle can catch on fire?

How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

What is the name of the Captain Rockhopper's Ship?
The Migrator

Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

How do you get a pin?
Click on it

Which of these places doesn't have music playing in the background?
Pet Shop

6. You will recieve the Tour Guide Hat and a manual

How To Become A Ninja

1. Click on your map

2. Click on the Dojo Courtyard

3. Go into the Dojo

4. Talk to Sensei (Located on the right hand side)

5. He will talk to you then will give you a Starter Deck

6. Go through the rest of the instructions on how to play

7. Instead of versing people on the mats, a quicker way is by talking to Sensei and clicking 'Earn your belts'

8. Remember:
Water cards beat fire cards
Fire cards beat snow cards
Snow cards beat water cards

9. Wins needed:
White belt - 5 wins
Yellow belt - 13 wins
Orange belt - 21 wins
Green belt - 30 wins
Blue belt - 40 wins
Red belt - 52 wins
Purple belt - 64 wins
Brown belt - 76 wins
Black belt - 88 wins


Fresh New Start

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in my posts, i have just moved house so i couldn't update. I am settled in now and i will get the cheats up as soon as they come out.

In other news, the Medieval Festival is here! The first party that i have been too 3 times!!! I joined Club Penguin shortly before the Medieval party started, so it was kinda my first party!
There are LOADS of new free items!

1. Room: Lighthouse Item: Wizards Hat. SAME AGAIN!
2. Room: Cove Item: Shield Pin
3. Room: Ye Knights Quest Room #2 Item: Staff & Shield
4. Room: Ye Knights Quest Room #3 (Start of Maze) Item: Iron Helmet
5. Room: Ye Knights Quest Last Room Item: Iron Armour
6. Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #3 Item: Noble Horse
7. Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #5 Item: Dragons Gold (Furniture Item)
8 Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #5 Item: Toothbrush Pin

Thats all the items! Like i said... Thats a lot!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dedicated Halo 2 Fans

Its been almost 20 days since Microsoft shut down Halo 2 online for the Xbox. But 20 people discovered that if they didn't turn off their Xbox's or if they didn't turn off their Internet, they would be able to continue to play Halo 2 until they lost connection or their Xbox's overheated. Here is a quote from one of the Halo 2 players:

"We will keep playing until we are all forcibly removed. It could be by Microsoft, Bungie, our Xbox’s overheating, or just lagging out. Not for competition, not for a prize, but for the love, and memory of Halo 2.
I want to thank everyone that I’ve played with in the past few days, this is by far my favourite memory in all my gaming history."

I can only say to them: STAY ON! DO NOT GET OFF EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU!
These 20 people will always be remembered!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scavenger Hunt!

Here are the locations of all the items for the scavenger hunt!

1. Coffee Cup-Coffee Shop-top left side on plant
2. Puffle Food-Pet Shop-right side next to food
3. Barrel-Cove-bottom left side in the bushes
4. Hot Sauce-Dojo Courtyard-on left roof
5. Coffee Bag-Book Room-top left side on book shelf
6. Newspaper-Forest-top side under rock
7. Pizza Box-Ski Village-right side on rubber rings
8. Barrel-Mine-next to the mine

Once you find all the items, you get a Recycle Pin, and you gain entrance to the Recycle Plant!
Good Luck!


Club Penguin Earth Party Is Here!

The Earth Party is here and there is a lot of cool thing this party!
There is a scavenger hunt which i will show all the locations in my next post! Plus there is a new secret room as well! But for now there is a free item cheat!

1. Click on your map
2. Click on the Mine
3. Click on the free items box
Now you have the Straw Gardening Hat!


New Pin Leaf Pin

Here is how to get the Leaf pin on Club Penguin!

1. Click on your map
2. Click on the Ski Hill
3. Click on the Leaf Pin


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

OMG Best Moment In My CP LIFE!

It was GREAT! There were 3 famous penguin! Mimo777, Fever, AND Chrisdog93!
Im speechless, but here are some pictures i took when i was there!

Mimo777: I didn't get much of mimo because everyone was crowding around him! But heres his player card!

Fever: I got a couple of Fever because he kept moving rooms, so it was easy to sit next to him with out a crowd!
These 2 were of me sitting next to him! I felt special!

Chrisdog93: I only got 1 of Chrisdog because he wasn't there for that long, but heres his player card!
Well there are all the pics! Let me know if you were there, or if you have met either Mimo, Fever, or Chrisdog?


Sorry for my absence, but i was on ANOTHER holiday! That's right 2 in a single school break!
Well i will definitely be posting more now, so no need to worry. Oh and now i will be posting "Reviewed By You's" that Billybob and other penguins post on the Club Penguin website.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Im A Member!

YAY! I have got my Club Penguin Membership back! Not as soon as i said i was going to, but i got it!And now my stripes go up! All i need now is the star!

Tell me how many strypes you have, or if you have the star yet?
