Monday, September 27, 2010

Advertise Your Website Here! UPDATED

*UPDATE* Woah! I'm starting to get a lot of people wanting their websites on this page! If your website is on here, could i ask you to please put my website link somewhere on your blog, it could be on your blog roll, or in a post, thanks!

Hey everyone, i was just thinking, allot of you want me to advertise your websites here, so if you REALLY want your websites advertised, then comment on this post, and i will put you on my blog roll as well.



Weekly Field-Op Week 16

Heres the 16th Field-Op location!

1. Go to the HQ.

2. Click on the Field-Op screen.

3. Click accept Field-Op.

4. Go to the Town.

5. Go into the Night Club.

6. Go Upstairs.

7. Walk over to the potplant.

8. Your Spy Gadget should flash green, click on it.

9. Complete the puzzle!

10. Go buy some cool gear!


New Pin!

Heres how to get the newest pin on Club Penguin!
1. Click on your map.
2. Go to the Mine.
3. Go into the Cave Mine.
4. Click on the pin at the rocks.

Now you have the Sandwich Pin!


Banner Contest Winner!

The votes are in an the winner is DavidHopper2! Here is his banner:

Sorry to Je45rry for not winning, but it was sooo close, just by 1 vote! DavidHopper will receive his prize soon, I'm sorry for the hold up!


Im Back!

Sorry about that, but over here its School Holidays, and i was doing some things for the first few days! But i will be back to posting. I will announce the winner of the contest next!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Penguin Evolution

I was going through a bit of history of my penguin, and I saw what I used to wear a LONG time ago. I did not change what I wore much, so here is the order of what I can remember:
(NOTE: These are the main costumes I wore, there were others, but here are the ones i wore for the longest.)

Here is my first costume when I started playing Club Penguin:
Here is my first Member costume for Club Penguin:
In between here, my membership ran out, so I went back to my first costume.

Here is my second Member costume for Club Penguin:

Here is my third Member costume for Club Penguin:

Here is my fourth and current Member costume for Club Penguin:

So tell me, did they get better? I think they did, but tell me what you think.


Enter Website Wednesday! *WEEK 2*

Welcome to week 2! Heres what you have to do, if you want me to make a post about your website:

1. Put on your blog roll.
2. Comment on this post telling me your website name.
3. Comment on this post telling me your website link.
4. Also include why you want your website advertised.

(Heres what your comment should look like):

That's it! Easy huh? I will choose a random website to advertise on Wednesday the 8th of September. So start commenting!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Banner Contest Now Over!

The Banner Contest is now over. Here are the 2 penguins you can vote for!
(NOTE: The final banner will not have the link through it, its just for copyright)

1. DavidHopper2:

2. Je45rry:

Congrats to you both. There is now a poll to vote for the best!


Didn't Have Time

As you know, i didnt get much time to post about the Fair, stamps, Rockhopper, new items, or the Field-Ops. So i will do an update post shortly. This will not change anything, i am NOT quitting, i was just busy.
