Friday, March 26, 2010

New Pin Cupcake Pin

Here is how to get the new Club Penguin pin!

1. Click on your map
2. Click on the Ski Village
3. Go into the Sports Shop
4. Go over to the Snow Board things

Yes, thats what i look like right now, but not for long.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good News + Bad News

Good News! Who entered Mimo777's spot the difference contest? Well i did and I WON!If you did enter, and you won as well, then tell me your name!


Bad News! My membership for Club Penguin has expired! But dont worry, i will be getting my membership back soon, i will tell you when. Cya!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Penguin Play Awards Are Here!

The Penguin Play Awards are here! Here are some new sweet rooms!
Here are the free item cheats! No.1 (Non-members)
1. Click on your map
2. Click on the dock
3. Walk over to the free item box---------------------------------------------------
1. Click on your map No.2 (Members only)
2. Click on the Plaza
3. Go into the Stage
4. Go Backstage
5. Walk over to the free cameras

Theres the cheats hope they helped!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Advertise You Websites Here! UPDATE

*UPDATE* Woah! I'm starting to get a lot of people wanting their websites on this page! If your website is on here, could i ask you to please put my website link somewhere on your blog, it could be on your blog roll, or in a post, thanks!

Hey everyone, i was just thinking, allot of you want me to advertise your websites here, so if you REALLY want your websites advertised, then comment on this post, and i will put you on my blog roll as well.



New Game Puffle Rescue!

YAY! The new Puffle Rescue is here! When you go to the mine, you will see a notice board there, and the cave entrance there as well. If you go into the cave, you will see this:

So you will need to get the key by playing the game on the notice board!
Click on the black puffle picture once your at the notice board. You will need to take the the black puffle, and using the bubbles made by the squid, make your way through the coral maze type thing. Once you get there you will see this picture. (Click 'ENTER')
Now your in the cave! Once your in there, pick up the Moss Key Pin and then you can use it to get in and out of this room!
Heres the pin:
Now the door is open when you move your mouse over it!
Good luck, and i hope this helped!

Monday, March 15, 2010

New Pin

Sorry i have been away for longer than 5 days, there was a delay. But i am back and should be posting more from now on!
Heres the pin:
1. Click on your map.
2. Click on the town.
3. Go into the night club.
4. Go upstairs
5. Click on the boot!

Now you have the newest pin on Club Penguin! The Buckle Boot Pin!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Few Things

Ok guys, i might not have Internet for about 5 days, so i am thinking of recruiting a few people so they can take over while I'm away ;-)
Also, i had a poll before i started posting again, and it was a question asking "Should i change my blog layout?" and most of you voted yes! So when i get back i will be changing the layout and colours of this website! Please comment and let me know what colours you want, and any other things you want changed!
And one final thing, thank you to everyone who visits and comments on this website, because without you, we wouldn't be getting the HUGE stats where getting. I get maximum 4 views at once! Well cya in 5 days! (Maybe more)


Friday, March 5, 2010

New Clothing Catalog March 2010

Since im too busy to get all the pictures, Daprankstar has all of the cheats:


The Cave

WHAT?! Go check out the cave and you will be able to see the yellow puffle or as many penguins are saying 'The golden puffle' sitting on top of the collapsed entrance.

Do you think this has anything to do with the next mission? Comment and let me know what you think!

New Toys Page!

Sweet! Club Penguin updated their Toys page, so now you can search for toys in your location!

Heres how it works:
1. Go to the toys page.
2. Click on 'WHERE TO BUY'
3. Then click on a toy you want to buy, then it will tell you what shop its in!

And you can change your location as well!


Just Gave Away The Coin Code! Hurry!


Rockhopper Is Here!

Its been a while since our favourite penguin has been on the island, but hes finally back!
You can go to the beach and go onto his ship! And once your in there you can buy items in a special catalog!!! Here is the new items:

Comment and let me know if you have met him today? or if you are planing to find him?


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I would like to thank everyone who followed me, and to Daprankstar: & Please visit his website. And thank you to who ever else advertised my twitter link on their website, you were all a HUGE help to me! I will get the coin code on twitter tomorrow if i can. Also i will have the latest Club Penguin cheats up soon. (Also for everyone that is interested, you can be a mod on this website if you comment on this post, tell me your penguin name, and why you should be a mod) Thanks once again!
