Friday, August 28, 2009

Contest *OPEN*

I'm having a contest and hopefully people enter this time.
It's a spot the difference at the dock. To enter you have to comment 1. 2. 3. etc and the first 3 people that answer right WIN! There are 5 differences, its kinda easy, 2 or 3 are kinda hard. Some of you have been saying you can find 2 or 3, but my advice is to have another tab open with the dock, and just do a HUGE search. Here's the picture, GOOD LUCK! *WINNERS SO FAR*
-1-Larr Larr

New Club Penguin Pin

New Club Penguin pin and here are the steps on finding it.
1.Click on your map
2.Click on the Cove
3.Click on the fish next to the umbrella

You now have the newest pin on Club Penguin, the Koi Fish! (New pin September 10th)


Fall's Fair+Rockhopper

If you go and check out the light house, you will see allot of boxes. Well ITS TIME TO GET READY FOR CLUB PENGUINS 3RD FALL FAIR!!! WOOOOT! I'm pretty exited because last year out computer was sick, and i couldn't actually go on Club Penguin, so i got my friend to do it for me!

Oh and while your at the lighthouse, go and check out the telescope because....ROCKHOPPER IS ON HIS WAY! WOOOT!!! I've met him every time hes been here, but lately i haven't been that successful with finding famous penguins. So hopefully i will meet him again!


Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!It's going to be sweet to see red, blue and green teams all over the island tomorrow when the new Sport catalog comes out! Last week we asked you to talk about your favorite sport on the island. Avril51 said: I love playing ice hockey at the rink! It's really fun playing it with my buddies. We are always on the red team, but the blue team rocks too! It's also fun watching and cheering both teams on! Rock on CP!

Being on a team is cool. Can't wait to see if any green teams get going....Today in Club Penguin, if you look through the telescope you'll see Rockhopper's Migrator's on its way. For this week's Reviewed By You, we'd love to know - What's the most awesome thing you ever remember Rockhopper bringing?

I decided i will now post this stuff no matter how pointless it is, cause i want to be up to date with things. -Lollieboy-

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey have you seen Mimo's contest where you have to find whats different at the dojo court yard? Well the contest is over now and yesterday i had a HUGE hunt for the differences and I WON! Oh and another 49 people did as well, but that's not the point! I RULE! I think that's the first time i have entered a contest of Mimos and won. Oh one more thing, I decided not to post things like by Happy777 and Screenhog UNLESS its important like a new party or something, or if I'm really bored and have lots of time on my hand, then i will, but i think there pretty pointless.
P.S I am having interviews soon on being an author of this site. So stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

BACK! (I Guess?)

HEY! Well nothing has happened in the last 4 days I was gone but normally I just post random things when nothing interesting is happening! I wasn’t really gone I was just at ma friends place! I can’t really be bothered posting about the sneak peek for the sports catalog but I’m sure you all have seen in by now, lol. So yeah anywayz, if some of you already know mimo already had his quickie party and I was only wrong about the server! I didn’t really get that one any way did you? I will make another RANDOM WICKED INCREDIBLE post later, but for now...LATER!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Stage Play: Underwater Adventure

There's a new play at the stage called the Underwater Adventure!
It looks ok i guess but im not that into plays, and acting!Heres what it looks like on the inside!Last time i checked there's no hidden items in the catalog. But there are some pretty cool new stuff in there!


Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins,
Got your director hats ready? You guys sent in some cool Underwater Adventure ideas last week when we asked what kind of sea stories you'd write about if you had the chance! Here's one that the team really liked:
I would write about a mermaid that is looking for lost treasure and meets a fish and a squid who join her along the way. Then when they find the treasure chest they open it up and it is just filled with chocolate coins. The mermaid, the squid, and the fish learn the treasure that counts is friendship, and the story would end by the three friends eating the chocolate coins!
Thanks, Blackie487! Happy77 would really like that story... we hope you like the brand new Underwater Adventure play on Friday.

And speaking of brand new stuff, next week there's a new Snow and Sport catalog being released. So we want to know... What's the sport you like to play most with your buddies on the island?
Let us know in under 75 words!
Until then...Waddle on!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mimo Aqua Party Hints (BIG Hints)

So I guess you all want the answers to Mimo777's aqua party huh?
Well ive had a chat to Mimo and we have agreed for me not to tell you but to just give you some hints. I will go through all of his Clues with you and give you some hints on them.

Clue 1. On Mimos first clue he gives us a picture on some dots. I know you were all thinking WHAT THE! cause i know i was. Well, only two rooms on Club Penguin have this. One is the M... And the other is the P....

Clue 2. On Mimos second clue he gives us a picture with two two's shaped as a heart. I didn't really understand this at the DATE of that day that i didn't know it but now i do.

Clue 3. With Mimos third clue, its probably the hardest one, if you didn't know its Walt Disney! I don't know what Walt Disney has to do with the server avalanche do you?

Clue 3.2. On Mimos third point two clue??? he gives us a picture of him, this picture has nothing to do with the clue. LOL I'm good at rhyming! so you have to look at the writing underneath it. This is what it says except with the words filled in (to fill them in all you had to do was rhyme it:)
So you want a hint for this party of MINE?
It’s not easy and it’s not the time.
I gave out two for the rooms to switch
One makes me scared, the other is the PITCH.
Remember from the first clue how he gave you the picture with the dots on it? well those are the two rooms that the picture was from.
So i guess Mimo will be having the party at two places. Don't you?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Festival Of Flight Extended!!!+ Other Awesome Stuff

YAY! I'm pretty happy that this party is extended; I think that this is probably the best party Club Penguin has EVER had! I haven’t met G yet (sad face!) comment and let me know if you have or haven’t! But if I do meet G I’ll let you all know, I'm thinking of making a tracker but not enough people visit my site so there wouldn’t be much point. So...I heard Mimo777 is having a party. And I know all of the answers so far, comment also and tell me if I should release them or not. I wasn’t going to because mimo will get all angry at me and chuck a fit! (Kidding) Mimos a good guy+girl+whole family (cause his WHOLE family works on Club Penguin gang!) But it’s only me on Lollieland, Used to be Hazooma2 (where did he ever go?) lol but anywayz it’s just me now, but I’m getting kind of lonely by myself at the moment, I might hire some peeps, but I’ll think about it. This has been the other awesome stuff in this post; I was bored so I just wanted to say RANDOM INSANE WICKED AWESOME COOL STUFF! So CYA!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Festival Of Flight Free Items

Here are the Festival of Flight free items:

Green Propeller Hat
1. Click on your map
2. Click on the plaza
3. Click on the box of green hats

Sand Castle Pin
1. Click on your map
2. Click on the Mine
3. Go into the mine shaft
4. Walk over to the wall with the pin on it
Jet Pack (Members only)
1. Click on your map
2. Click on the forest
3. Click on the Balloon Ride
4. Wait 2 minutes for the balloon ride to the tallest mountain (it only takes 2 minutes if you got on early but if you got on later it only takes about 20 seconds, or 5 seconds)

Now your at the newest room to Club Penguin, the Tallest Mountain!

5. Click on the box with the Jet Packs
That's all of the free items, Cya!
P.S Happy B-Day to Dnb122 one of my mods! Hip-Hip! Hoo-ray!

Festival Of Flight is Awesome!!!

OMG! I THINK THIS IS THE BEST CLUB PENGUIN PARTY IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!! So G made club penguin fly off the ocean by a huge balloon and through out the island are little propeller things as well. check out the ice berg!

And check out the cave as well!

But there is one mistake they made, if you go to a room that's never decorated for a party, you cant see any clouds or anything floating in the sky, go check out the mine, that's a good example, oh-well Club Penguin did a GREAT job!

Its time to do some room exploring like i do at every party! On my next post I'll tell you all where the free items are!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Festival Of Flight TOMORROW!

YAY! Tomorrow is the Festival Of Flight party and we will be able to see which way Club Penguin island will be taken off the ocean! Heres what Screen Hog said:

Penguins may not be able to fly, but that doesn't mean that Club Penguin can't!
In a few days, for the first time ever, Club Penguin will be an island in the sky.
When we first thought of the idea of putting Club Penguin in the sky, we loved it, but then we started asking ourselves some questions.
What happens to the Beach or the coastline of the Cove? Can penguins still play Hydro-Hopper? And what does a device powerful enough to lift an entire island even look like, and where would we put it?
For the full answer you'll have to wait until the party, but I can show you this behind-the-scenes concept art from when we were trying to answer all these questions ourselves:

WOW! comment and let me know which idea is the best out the the three on the picture!


Music+Lighthouse=Great Fun!

You are now able to play your favourite instrument at the lighthouse!
Sorry i cant get any pictures for a few days because our computer is really slow and i cant get onto Club Penguin. But anyway head over to the lighthouse and wear nothing but an instrument and click the 'd' button or click dance and you will play it!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Clothing Catalog Aug 09 Cheats

Here are the August 09 clothing catalog cheats

Click on the piano for the Red Viking Helmet
Click in and out of the Red Viking Helmet for the Blue Viking Helmet
Click on the word Penguins for the Crystal Staff
Click on the Shell for the Canteen
Click on the Big window for the Woodsmans's Hat
Click on the dragon shadow for the Blue Dragon Costume

Aqua Winns

Thnx Kiwi23 who told me this first, Aqua has won! (because of Mimo and his fans)
Heres what it looks like!
See there is a difference between the light blue and aqua, BUT

This is me with aqua...It looks exactly like light blue when its on your penguin! sure it may be a little darker, but c'mon!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Igloo Furniture Vote

Head over and vote for what furniture item you want in the next catalog!
Heres what the choises are:

Im voting for the Green Beanbag Chair cause i dunno it just looks cool! Comment and let me know what your voting for and why.


Par-tay Sneak Peek

Theres a new par-tay in a few weeks! YAY. and heres a sneak peek

Hmmmm looks like boats with wings to me, and it also looks like its at the snowforts cause theres one red one and one blue one, cool. comment and let me know what you think!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chobots More Like Cho-stop taking things so seriously-bots

Is it just me or do people on chobots take things waaaaay seriouslyseriously? I mean I was just dancing with some guy, and I said "dance here and have fun" and someone was like "hey stop spamming or I’ll ban you"....Get a life, who cares! lol. They were also like "Just ignore him he’s just trying to get attention" well what is ignoring me gonna do huh? Just send me a little postcard saying some guy things I’m spamming, it’s not spamming mate, it’s called having fun! (Sorry to all of you that like chobots, I didn’t say this to offend any of you, chobots itself is a good place, I just needed to say this)
