Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Festival Of Flight Extended!!!+ Other Awesome Stuff

YAY! I'm pretty happy that this party is extended; I think that this is probably the best party Club Penguin has EVER had! I haven’t met G yet (sad face!) comment and let me know if you have or haven’t! But if I do meet G I’ll let you all know, I'm thinking of making a tracker but not enough people visit my site so there wouldn’t be much point. So...I heard Mimo777 is having a party. And I know all of the answers so far, comment also and tell me if I should release them or not. I wasn’t going to because mimo will get all angry at me and chuck a fit! (Kidding) Mimos a good guy+girl+whole family (cause his WHOLE family works on Club Penguin gang!) But it’s only me on Lollieland, Used to be Hazooma2 (where did he ever go?) lol but anywayz it’s just me now, but I’m getting kind of lonely by myself at the moment, I might hire some peeps, but I’ll think about it. This has been the other awesome stuff in this post; I was bored so I just wanted to say RANDOM INSANE WICKED AWESOME COOL STUFF! So CYA!



  1. ok first off all i know yeh AWESOME festival is extended second off all no i havnt met g third off all i kno where hazooma is hes always on msn and xat and fourth of all COULD U HIRE MEEEE???
    cyaz(soz bout big comment LOl)

  2. i honstley dont know aby of the clues:(


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