Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chobots More Like Cho-stop taking things so seriously-bots

Is it just me or do people on chobots take things waaaaay seriouslyseriously? I mean I was just dancing with some guy, and I said "dance here and have fun" and someone was like "hey stop spamming or I’ll ban you"....Get a life, who cares! lol. They were also like "Just ignore him he’s just trying to get attention" well what is ignoring me gonna do huh? Just send me a little postcard saying some guy things I’m spamming, it’s not spamming mate, it’s called having fun! (Sorry to all of you that like chobots, I didn’t say this to offend any of you, chobots itself is a good place, I just needed to say this)



  1. i enjoy chobots but stupid people who dont know wat spam is need 2 stop ruining peoples fun

  2. i hate chobots i keep getting banne and banned finally i just got banned forever once i got banned for saying 'ahh dangit' on chobots im like wtf is wrong with these moderators and agents

  3. dude what is your problem! no-one on chobots takes things too serious! at least on chobots you can buy a few clothes without paying(unlicke cp) :-(


When commenting any post please don’t spam, no put downs, and no personal message about you or someone else. Thank-you.