Friday, August 28, 2009

Contest *OPEN*

I'm having a contest and hopefully people enter this time.
It's a spot the difference at the dock. To enter you have to comment 1. 2. 3. etc and the first 3 people that answer right WIN! There are 5 differences, its kinda easy, 2 or 3 are kinda hard. Some of you have been saying you can find 2 or 3, but my advice is to have another tab open with the dock, and just do a HUGE search. Here's the picture, GOOD LUCK! *WINNERS SO FAR*
-1-Larr Larr


  1. It is kind of hard, my advice, have a Club Penguin window open at the same time, and just do a HUGE search on the differences.

  2. i had that and i still only found 3 can i just post the 3 i have

  3. Hi just wanted to say good luck to every1!

  4. i only got three like dnb hey tht rymed

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh and Dnb you can just comment on the 3 you got but it won’t count and I won’t post your comment because then other people can see your answers.

  7. well i want it 2 count so im goging 2 try harder

  8. Oh sorry lollieboy did my comment about checking out my site break the rules on spamming/advertising? Sorry if it did I didn't realise.

  9. Guys My Grandpa just died so i wont be back on my computer and i wont be able 2 see the site 4 a week or 2 but hopefully ill be back on soon I hate 2 bring this down on u guys SOORY :(

  10. Im sorry to hear that, hope your doing ok. Thanks for visiting and commenting, your awesome!

  11. Hey lollieboy

    Can I please be an L.B.M.?

    I love the site and i would be honoured to be part of it.


    Larr Larr

  12. Oh and also, this contest closes when I have 3 winners! 2 more spots left! Don’t miss out! Start looking!

  13. ok turns out my mom heard wrong hes not dead but super sick and dying doctor said he has 2 to 3 years left P.S. my NEW name on twitter is ByrdBoyz

  14. Fall Fair Tomorrow! Yay! Enjoy it everyone!


When commenting any post please don’t spam, no put downs, and no personal message about you or someone else. Thank-you.