Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Become A Secret Agent

1. Click on the 'M' at the top right hand corner of your screen

2. Click 'Become a Secret Agent'

3. You will be asked some questions

4. The answers are:
Are you ready to become a secret agent?

Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have

Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator
Being mean or rude

What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
Report them

What type of personal information should be reported?
Saying their address

Pick one reason you want to be a secret agent
I want to keep Club Penguin safe

Pick another reason you want to be a secret agent
I want to help other penguins

Once you complete the test, the spyphone will appear in your inventory.

How To Become A Tour Guide

(Your penguin must be older than 45 days old)

1. Click on your map

2. Click on the Ski Village

3. Click on the Tours Stand

4. Answer the questions asked

5. The answers are:

How many sled-racing courses are there?

How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with skipping rope

What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?

What day does the newspaper come out?

Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jet pack adventure

What colour of puffle can catch on fire?

How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?

What is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counters?

In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
Boiler Room

What is the name of the Captain Rockhopper's Ship?
The Migrator

Which of these rooms does not have a game in it?

Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski Lodge

How do you get a pin?
Click on it

Which of these places doesn't have music playing in the background?
Pet Shop

6. You will recieve the Tour Guide Hat and a manual

How To Become A Ninja

1. Click on your map

2. Click on the Dojo Courtyard

3. Go into the Dojo

4. Talk to Sensei (Located on the right hand side)

5. He will talk to you then will give you a Starter Deck

6. Go through the rest of the instructions on how to play

7. Instead of versing people on the mats, a quicker way is by talking to Sensei and clicking 'Earn your belts'

8. Remember:
Water cards beat fire cards
Fire cards beat snow cards
Snow cards beat water cards

9. Wins needed:
White belt - 5 wins
Yellow belt - 13 wins
Orange belt - 21 wins
Green belt - 30 wins
Blue belt - 40 wins
Red belt - 52 wins
Purple belt - 64 wins
Brown belt - 76 wins
Black belt - 88 wins


Fresh New Start

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in my posts, i have just moved house so i couldn't update. I am settled in now and i will get the cheats up as soon as they come out.

In other news, the Medieval Festival is here! The first party that i have been too 3 times!!! I joined Club Penguin shortly before the Medieval party started, so it was kinda my first party!
There are LOADS of new free items!

1. Room: Lighthouse Item: Wizards Hat. SAME AGAIN!
2. Room: Cove Item: Shield Pin
3. Room: Ye Knights Quest Room #2 Item: Staff & Shield
4. Room: Ye Knights Quest Room #3 (Start of Maze) Item: Iron Helmet
5. Room: Ye Knights Quest Last Room Item: Iron Armour
6. Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #3 Item: Noble Horse
7. Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #5 Item: Dragons Gold (Furniture Item)
8 Room: Ye Knights Quest 2 Room #5 Item: Toothbrush Pin

Thats all the items! Like i said... Thats a lot!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dedicated Halo 2 Fans

Its been almost 20 days since Microsoft shut down Halo 2 online for the Xbox. But 20 people discovered that if they didn't turn off their Xbox's or if they didn't turn off their Internet, they would be able to continue to play Halo 2 until they lost connection or their Xbox's overheated. Here is a quote from one of the Halo 2 players:

"We will keep playing until we are all forcibly removed. It could be by Microsoft, Bungie, our Xbox’s overheating, or just lagging out. Not for competition, not for a prize, but for the love, and memory of Halo 2.
I want to thank everyone that I’ve played with in the past few days, this is by far my favourite memory in all my gaming history."

I can only say to them: STAY ON! DO NOT GET OFF EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU!
These 20 people will always be remembered!
