Saturday, March 6, 2010

Few Things

Ok guys, i might not have Internet for about 5 days, so i am thinking of recruiting a few people so they can take over while I'm away ;-)
Also, i had a poll before i started posting again, and it was a question asking "Should i change my blog layout?" and most of you voted yes! So when i get back i will be changing the layout and colours of this website! Please comment and let me know what colours you want, and any other things you want changed!
And one final thing, thank you to everyone who visits and comments on this website, because without you, we wouldn't be getting the HUGE stats where getting. I get maximum 4 views at once! Well cya in 5 days! (Maybe more)



  1. Wow! You've made a lot of posts since I last checked! This site is going on my favourites tab :D lol

    Yours Waddling

  2. Lollieboy I said to some blogs about your site, so can you show this in one of your posts?

  3. Yo lollie us mods have 2 restart :(


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