Monday, May 11, 2009

Club Penguin Ultimate Cheat: How To Get Medieval Music In Your Igloo!

HI everyone i got a glitch!!I am just loving the new maze they have put in there, its very imagitivie and creative! I have to say this party is a 10/10 for everything I mentioned above there! Ok but lets get down to the real neat Club Penguin cheat that I have found for you all to enjoy the music from the party in your igloo, but remember you will not get banned for using this, so please feel free to use this cheat as much as you would like!

Here is how you can do this Club Penguin Cheat:

1. Go to your map in the lower left corner.

2. Click on the Town area.

3. Go to the Knights Club.

4. After you have almost reached the door quickly click your home icon that is located on the right hand corner where your inventory and buddies are. Make sure you do this very fast to get this chat to work.

How do you like this cheat ? I think Club Penguin might catch on to it soon, but for now enjoy your medieval music : )

Thanks and tell us what you thought of the new cheat!



  1. omg yay i found it ill comment every day three times

  2. heyy guys vimarsh619 is me matthardy879

    cya from matthardy879

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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