Friday, May 8, 2009

Caption Contest Reminder

Just to let you know that the caption contest is still on!
These are the rewards:
1st $10000
2nd $5000
3rd $ 2000
(Club Penguin coins)

heres the picture:

Good luck!


  1. I already entered but more people need to enter!
    I told my friend Proppiy to enter.
    Bubbles 1705 :)

  2. My caption is...
    "Dont run away, I just want to know where the toilet is!"

    - Proppiy
    P.S cool site

  3. damn it! (sorry)
    why did i have to get proppiy to enter!
    now shes gonna win.
    hers is so good, its not fair :'(
    Bubbles 1705

  4. this is my caption
    aah! hwo pushed me down? youll pay for that! im a squid? hmmm?

  5. Here's mine:

    "I may be squishy and smelly on the outside, but I'm friendly on the inside! Well sorta..."



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