Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ok I've figged out all the eulc (clue) answers!
Here they are!
Date: 18-4-09
Time: 2:30
Server: Aurora
Room: Dance Lounge

I got that date because mimo tells us: .netddaruoftcartbusowtsulpnetekat?yasuoyyadtahw
When its translated, it says: 'what day you say? take ten plus two subtract four add ten.which is 10+2-4+10=18!

I got the time because they said that at the dentist your teeth hurt like "tooth hurty" which sounds like "2:30"!

I got the server because the lights you see are called 'Aurora' or 'Northern lights' as some of you think it is. But I'm pretty sure its Aurora.

I got the room because the two coins represent the money you use to play the 'Thin Ice' and the 'Astro Barrier' games. I think this may be the room, not 100% sure.

Hope to see you all there!


  1. Please read my comments lollieboy because you will end up going to the wrong server, its NOT AURORA!!!!!

  2. it is aurora! another name for northern lights is aurora and dats y mimo posted after da eulc sayin "r u sure?"

  3. I'm 60% sure that it's aurora.

  4. its northern lights and hq (head quarters)

  5. How did you get the hq? because i had troubles

  6. Hey Lollieboy
    I think the HQ is because mimo had the pic of the 2 quarters and it was on the head side
    not sure about this, I'm not gonna go anyway, too early for me to wake up :P
    hope this helps, Bubbles 1705

  7. Yeah because mimo would have a party on Aurora. Its not like it wouldn't get full so loads of people (mainly non-members) won't be able to get in. It would magically stay empty so all those hundreds of fans will be able to get in (is VERY sarcastic)

  8. actually it was the HQ...


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