Friday, July 10, 2009

Ruby And The Ruby Cheats

Here are a few Ruby and the Ruby cheats!
1. Ruby and the Ruby catalog cheat:
Click on the door handle for the dark detectives coat

2. Ruby and the Ruby hidden background Click and pull down the bunch of words for the Noir background

3. Ruby and the Ruby pin Click on the following things for the Ruby and the Ruby pin:

File cabnet, trash can, book, vase, painting. The painting should fall down, then click the safe and it should unlock and in there is the pin.

having troble? See picture bellow
Thats all for now, new catagot and pin coming soon be sure to check that out! and i have not had much entries for my contest! Please enter!


  1. why does cp always have to bring back old plays lol im also stil doing the contest nearly done

  2. nearly done the contest im on phone right on with matt cyaz


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