Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fire Works!

There are wicked awesome incredible rapid fire fire works!
Here are 3 minus 1 pictures of them!

I know what your thinking! 'Lollieboy why are you wearing lame stuff!' Well my dear friend, i just wanted to test out the old lollieboy account instead of the iwantalollie account to see if she still works'.... Well....when i say she...i mean he...That's all for now make sure you check out the fire works at! no juts kidding around with you!Omg! look a whale! Haha got ya again...but no seriously look theres a whale. thats all for now cya!



  1. ok u know what sucks cp cancled my member ship but i went to like a 20 dollar movie 2 day

  2. ha ha ha u actually fooled me with the whale one also i clicked on the link nuthin there lol i have membership for me penguin for life jk lol cya later HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY USA


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