Thursday, September 17, 2009

Energy Saving Week!

Ok, Since I'm a very energy saving guy, i think it'll be cool if i get as much people as i can to make there website have a black background like mine! It may not save HEAPS of energy but i think it'll be fun! So pass it on, comment on peoples websites (But make sure it is a CLUB PENGUIN CHEAT website and not any other one) and tell them that Lollieboy is having a Energy Saving Week From 21st September, to the 28th of September! and to change there back ground to black to save energy! Thnx!



  1. erm, sorry but how do you that? I've only been running a website for a few months so I don't know most stuff.

  2. Thats ok, if you dont know how to then just pass it on to people!

  3. I made a site Ill still be here but mainly there It has a Black Background


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